Spark Your Adventure: Mastering Fire Steel for Forest Fires!

starting fire with fire steel

Are you an adventurer with a passion for the great outdoors? Do you love exploring the beauty of forests and nature trails? While the wilderness can be an exciting place to explore, it can also be dangerous if you are not prepared. One of the most essential skills for any forest adventurer is knowing how to start a fire. In this article, we will explore the art of fire steel for forest fires and how it can help you stay safe and adventurous in the great outdoors.

starting fire with fire steel
starting fire with fire steel

Ignite Your Inner Explorer: Learn Fire Steel for Forest Adventures!

Fire steel is a tool used to ignite fires in the wilderness. It may seem like a simple tool, but mastering the art of fire steel can take your forest adventures to the next level. Whether you are camping, hiking, or backpacking, knowing how to start a fire can keep you warm and safe in the wild. Fire steel is a reliable and versatile tool that can help you start a fire in any weather conditions, making it an essential skill for every adventurer.

Learning how to use fire steel is not difficult, but it does require practice. The first step is to choose high-quality fire steel and a suitable striker. The striker can be a knife, a piece of flint, or even a rock. Once you have your tools, it’s time to practice. Strike the fire steel with the striker, and you will see sparks fly. Aim the sparks at your tinder, such as dry leaves or bark, and blow gently to ignite a flame. With practice, you will become a pro at using fire steel, and you will be able to start a fire in any conditions.

starting fire with fire steel
starting fire with fire steel

Roam Free and Safe: Master the Art of Fire Steel for Forest Fires!

Starting a fire in the wilderness can be challenging, but with fire steel, it becomes a lot easier. Fire steel can be used to start a fire even in wet or windy conditions, making it an essential tool for any adventurer. The key to staying safe in the forest is to be prepared, and knowing how to start a fire can be a lifesaver in an emergency. By mastering the art of fire steel, you can roam free and safe in the great outdoors.

In conclusion, fire steel is a skill that every forest adventurer should learn. By knowing how to start a fire, you can stay warm, cook food, and signal for help in an emergency. Fire steel is a versatile tool that can be used in any weather condition, making it an essential part of any adventurer’s toolkit. So, ignite your inner explorer and master the art of fire steel for forest fires. With practice and patience, you can become a pro at starting fires and stay safe and adventurous in the great outdoors.

Go ahead and explore the beauty of nature with confidence, knowing that you have the skills to start a fire in any condition. Remember to always follow fire safety guidelines and regulations, and leave no trace of your fire when you’re done. With fire steel, you can ignite your inner explorer and enjoy the wonders of the forest safely and responsibly. Happy adventuring!

Bleed For Your Belgian Malinois

Bleed For Your Belgian Malinois

If You’re Not Willing To Bleed For Your Belgian Malinios, then you probably should not have one. Every week I get a scratch or two, sometimes several. They are totally innocent but they are a part of Flashes nature.

Do you bleed for your dog?

Do Belgain Malinois Bite?

Well, do bears shit in the woods? Of course they do, it is their nature. It is our job as trainers to direct the “bite work” constructively. If we cannot handle that, then we should not be training top dogs like Malingatiors!

Flashes Training

Since I got Flash, he has been doing remarkable things. Obstacle courses, fetching, Tug-tug and now this week I have him finding deer sheds. He is 100% successful and has just blew me away with how fast he picks things up.

Deer Shed Training

After watching several videos and training manuals, I decided to put Flash on deer sheds. This happens when a male deer sheds his antlers and leaves them on the forest floor.

I started out by putting the sheds throughout the field, then putting deer roast on them. Once he found a shed, he got a treat and a lot of praise from me. After a few times of that, then I took away the treat and just gave him praise. It worked! He loves to use his nose, and he loves to hunt! I will have videos on Flash performing this task soon.

Flash Bad Ass McCullough

Hiking With My Belgian Malinois Around Home

Belgian Malinios Hiking in Ludlow Pa

Flash and I like to hike around home here since it is so beautiful. The people are exceptional and so is the scenery. I hear that hiking with our dogs though the forest really helps their senses and mindset.

Dog Senses Highened

I can see my dog’s senses being heightened as we hike through the forest. He smells coyote poop, bear skat deer and more. When he smells the distinct scents, I try to name them for him. I don’t know if this means much, but it does not hurt to associate a sound with a scent.

He loves running through the vegetation as well. He is tasting the grass, ferns, rocks, and dirt as we go. His sense of hearing is great as well. We both heard something snort in the forest at the same time. He was good though and never does he run off.

14 Weeks Old

I continually have to keep reminding myself that Flash is only 14 weeks old. Many older dogs could not compete with his talent and abilities. I want to continue to challenge him, but I do not want to over-train him either.

Natural Abilities of Belgian Malinois

Their natural abilities to understand and pick up on things quick are just blowing me away. It seems like everything I challenge him to do, he picks up on quickly. Thank goodness for YouTube where I can keep getting fresh ideas.

Supper Time

We left right after supper. There is nothing like a good hike after some beef stroganoff . I cooked it like grandma showed me and Flash even liked some of the burger, lol. 🙂

beef stroganoff beef stroganoff beef stroganoff beef stroganoff

Pictures Of OUr Hike Today

Here are some pictures of our hike today, we hope you like them. 🙂

Why I Quit Hiking on the Appalachian Trail

First off, I want to let everyone know I value the time and the good people that I met on the Appalachian Trail. That being said, a big personal problem with me is that there were way too many people. I don’t think the sanitary conditions were safe either.

Post Office Never Delivered My Supplies

The biggest reason why I came off the trail in North Carolina is the fact that the post office never delivered my food or supplies. I needed a bear can to hike though the Smokies and did not have one. So with no food or a bear can I could not go any further. I bought my food for 6 months before I started this trip, I did not want to resupply with junk food at the stops along the way.

Sanitary Conditions on the AT

The sanitary conditions on the AT are less than perfect and you can expect that with all trails that have no showers or bathrooms. However, on the AT there are designated camping spots, {you are NOT allowed to create any new camping spots} and you are there with 25 to 100 other people using 1 YES ONE privy.

The Privy

The privy is one of the most disgusting things you will ever grace with your ass. I prefer to go dig a hole and do my business there. That being said, women pee on the seat as much as men do because they lift their asses off the seat in order not to touch it with their skin.

So needless to say, I had to go home early and I don’t miss it! 🙂

Pre-trip Ideas for the Appalachian Trail

Pre-Trip ideas Appalachian Trail

So I am 3 days from my start day and I have some last-minute pre-trip ideas for the trail. One thing that I did was talk to many people. I talked to military people and a lot of hikers. Of course, I watched endless videos.

More Pre-trip Ideas for Appalachian Trail

So, I went to my brother Jons’ place, and he was talking to me about moleskin. He said they used it in the military a lot for training and ruck marches. He explained how to use it and I am sold. Beware, though,  because there are a lot of YouTube videos that do not illustrate how to use it properly. I will include a YouTube video below that shows you how to do it right.

Get moleskin here.


Over 50 Baby Asprin for AT

So for your hikers that are over 50 like me, include some baby aspirin in your pack. It’s very light and only takes one baby aspirin in the morning to help you with blood flow. Of course, you would want to talk to your doctor because I am not. For the benefits of baby aspirin daily, you can check it out here.

Need More Tent Stakes

Another thing that I need to add are more small tent stakes. I could make them out of wood and branches, but I want to get my set up and tear down time to the absolute minimum. When you have to build your house, bed and tear them down everyday you want to be as efficient as possible. So that is why I am opting for more tent stakes.

Yes, I am taking an Umbrella

Why am I taking an umbrella even though I have a tarp and a very good poncho that covers everything? Well, because I watched this video, that convinced me it may be a good idea.

This is not the exact video but the same girl that said if she had to do it over again she would take an umbrella on the AT.

Trekking Poles

So I made it to Georgia and noticed that I forgot my trekking poles that have my duct tape, para-cord and some other things that I put on them. So, this is another last minute thing I’ll have to purchase.

Last Minute Pickups

Tent steaks
Baby aspirin
Bane strong line
Trekking poles