Progress Made With My Belgian Malinois Puppy Flash

The progress I have made with my Belgian Malinois puppy, Flash, has been incredible. He is so smart that he seems to get bored and wants to go onto the next big thing.

Motivating Factors

Food is not his big motivator however, his toys and affection are his greatest incentive. Most of the time, he just snubs the food and it does not matter what it is. Liver, high quality tasty treats. I do not know if this will change with time, but I will keep posting his progress here.

Very Fast Obstacle Course

The obstacle course is becoming very easy for him. He flies through it, especially when I have one of his favorite toys. I do not give it to him until he finishes the course. He is actually faster than me when he runs through the course. It is my hope that I can keep challenging him.

Giving Things To Me

Flash’s biggest challenge is giving things back to me so I can either throw them or play with him again. I am trying out something new that I saw on a YouTube video where a guy has a leash and a tug toy {one of Flash’s favs} and he tugs for a while, then lets the dog win several times in a row. This seems to resolve the issue slowly. I will have to keep it up and see how long it takes. With our brief sessions only lasting 10 to 20 minutes, it’s hard to get too much down.

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