Pre-trip Ideas for the Appalachian Trail

So I am 3 days from my start day and I have some last-minute pre-trip ideas for the trail. One thing that I did was talk to many people. I talked to military people and a lot of hikers. Of course, I watched endless videos.

More Pre-trip Ideas for Appalachian Trail

So, I went to my brother Jons’ place, and he was talking to me about moleskin. He said they used it in the military a lot for training and ruck marches. He explained how to use it and I am sold. Beware, though,  because there are a lot of YouTube videos that do not illustrate how to use it properly. I will include a YouTube video below that shows you how to do it right.

Get moleskin here.


Over 50 Baby Asprin for AT

So for your hikers that are over 50 like me, include some baby aspirin in your pack. It’s very light and only takes one baby aspirin in the morning to help you with blood flow. Of course, you would want to talk to your doctor because I am not. For the benefits of baby aspirin daily, you can check it out here.

Need More Tent Stakes

Another thing that I need to add are more small tent stakes. I could make them out of wood and branches, but I want to get my set up and tear down time to the absolute minimum. When you have to build your house, bed and tear them down everyday you want to be as efficient as possible. So that is why I am opting for more tent stakes.

Yes, I am taking an Umbrella

Why am I taking an umbrella even though I have a tarp and a very good poncho that covers everything? Well, because I watched this video, that convinced me it may be a good idea.

This is not the exact video but the same girl that said if she had to do it over again she would take an umbrella on the AT.

Trekking Poles

So I made it to Georgia and noticed that I forgot my trekking poles that have my duct tape, para-cord and some other things that I put on them. So, this is another last minute thing I’ll have to purchase.

Last Minute Pickups

Tent steaks
Baby aspirin
Bane strong line
Trekking poles





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