Marienville Cave Hike | Best Trails | Allegheny National Forest Adventures

Try the Marienville Cave Hike in Marienville Pennsylvania located in the Allegheny National Forest. This hike is truly an adventure that you will want to do more than twice. You may hike there on foot or by horseback.

Standard Silicon Spring Creek Glass Sand Works

This is an old Glass Sand factory that was man powered by the CCC camps. It operated during WW1 from 1914 to 1926. It’s hard to believe that this little place in the middle of no where was the leading producer of glass products back in those days. They produced the glass for windows, fruit jars and much much more.

Eerie Feeling During Marienville Cave Hike

During the Marienville Cave Hike you may get an eerie nostalgia feeling looking at the black and while photographs located on site that were taken in the early 1900’s of the men that operated that factory. You can see pictures of their faces as they stand next to the entrance of the cave that is still there to this day.

Horse Trails Marienville Cave Hike

You may hike or ride a horse right up to the cave. We lit a fire in there because it looked like a fireplace inside but it gets real smoky because there is no where for the smoke to escape.

Allegheny National Forest Adventures

This hike was awesome and didn’t disappoint. There are a couple of ways to hike in. You can get a map from the ranger station or if you would like to bring your horses and ride it please see Summers Allegheny Trail ride for more info.

Directions To 403 and Cave

To get there you have to go Route 66 North out of Marienville. Right on Durhing Road. You will go back about 4 miles to a Y. You want to veer left down over the hill and at the bottom of that hill you will cross a bridge, that is Spring Creek. You will then go up a long mountain about 3 miles. Keep looking to the right for a sign that says 403. It is hard to see the sign so keep looking. If you get to a sign that says 227 you have went too far. Make a right on 403 and go clear until it ends, that will be about 4 or 5 miles. They gate will be shut but you can park there and start walking to the left until you see big rock. After big rock look for the concrete platforms, as soon as you pass it the hill will be on your left. Take it slow because it is steep. You want to go clear to the top of that mountain.

The map below has the right location but the road names are screwed up. Please follow written directions above.


6 Replies to “Marienville Cave Hike | Best Trails | Allegheny National Forest Adventures”

  1. 3 of us went today 5-13-2020 2 of us made it to the top. Our buddy that didn’t make it has a real bad back and felt it starting to burn. He turned back, but we stayed in touch with radios. Yes it is steep, very steep, but well worth the hike. Beautiful area once you get to the top. Not sorry, but I will pay for it tomorrow. Highly recommend this hike. the 2 of us that made it we are both 70 years old. I have one replaced knee and my buddy has both of his replaced. We took it real slow and stopped to rest many times on the way up. This did not disappoint!

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