Exploring Plant Life in Ludlow Pa

One thing that I like to do is explore plant life around where I live. It’s not only fun, but learning the different plant species can be helpful. You can learn about the ones that are poisonous and the ones that are not. Ones that taste good and ones that do not taste so good. There are also a lot of health benefits that these plants offer.

Exploring Plant Life in Ludlow Pa

I have taken pictures of some of the plant life here in Ludlow. Can you name what they are? Below is a gallery of the plants, see how many you can name. I will make weekly posts about the plant life here and what you can and cannot eat. I will also share some recipes and the uses these plants have had in the past. Exploring plant life is educational and fulfilling.

Food Is My Medicine

I am of the philosophy that food is my medicine. Studies suggest you are healthier if you eat the plants around where you live.  This is the perfect time of year to lean about harvesting wild plants for your dinner plates and there are literally tons of plans growing in our back yards here in Ludlow Pa! 

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