What should I keep in my bug out bag?

Make sure you are packing the essentials. Fire, shelter, food, water. Pick tools that are easy to use and not too heavy. Make sure you have something to eat off of, like a pan or a pot. Also have something to harvest wood, possibly a hatchet or machete or saw. Get something to skin an animal, a really nice sharp blade. possibly dig a hole, like a tri fold shovel. And self defense, consider a knife, some bear mace, or maybe even a gun.

Some of these tools could be multi-use. You will also need cordage(rope) to tie things together and possibly drag things. You might need a tarp to keep dry or wrap up to conserve body heat. Make sure you have some kind of water container(with water in it) and a water purifier and some food to eat. And make sure you have something to sleep in.

Consider the terrain you will be camping at to choose your sleepwear. Plus, keep a reusable Firestarter to make sure you have heat. It would make it easier if you had waterproof bags but it is not necessary. Another thing to think about is the bag itself, you should choose a bag comfortable for you that has the proper straps. Try to think of weight. The lighter the better. You might know how far you will have to go for safety, but plan that you’re going farther.

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