Setting My Goals for the Appalachian Trail

So I am setting my goals for the Appalachian Trail. Sure, I am excited about it but I try to be stoic about it as well. I enjoy living life one moment at a time. I’ve ordered tons of gear, made checklists, paid my bill until the end of the year but I know that I will never be completely ready. I think that is why they call it “Adventure” because you really never know what to expect.

Going Over My Gear

In future posts one at a time I am going to go over my gear and let you know what I bought and why I bought it one post at a time. There is definitely a strategy here and the most important word is anticipate.

Practicing & Training

Currently what I am doing is using my gear day to day at home. This is so that I can understand my gear and be more efficient when using it. I am going to take a week or two in March and see how I can ration my meals and pack them into a small bear proof container. I am looking forward to both my failures and successes.

Being Realistic With Myself

Although I do like to think I am superman from time to time that gets me into trouble. My realistic expectations of myself my be less than or greater than someone else. Like many people that attempt to hike the AT I have been watching tons of videos. In fact, I have been watching hiking videos for years, that’s what got me into this in the first place.  The more data I take in the more I feel I am prepared for this.

Hiking History and Why This Is Different

Although I am an experienced hiker my hikes consisted mainly of 2 or 3 night hikes. Sometimes I would go for like 7 days but rarely. I remember at the end of those 7 days I was ready to come home, get a real shower and meditate on my hike.

Wish Me Luck

Well if you are interested in this type of thing be sure to subscribe here and my YouTube channel. Also I have a Rumble account if you are on there. You can also get ahold of me because I try to post daily on 

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