• 1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinguar
  • 3 Cups of water
  • 15 Tablespoons of salt.

Bring water to a boil, throw in your eggs and boil for 20 minutes. Let cool for a couple hours.

How To Peel Boiled Egg

  1. Crack egg on table and roll.
  2. Keep rolling until the crackling stops or is very quiet.
  3. Lift a corner of the cracked shell and see if you can get a groove going.
  4. Keep going until egg is totally peeled clean.
  5. Your done! 🙂
Peel Clean Hard Boiled Eggs
Peel Clean Hard Boiled Eggs

  Are you growing the right things in your garden?

 Could you survive with the things you grow in your backyard? Imagine if the economy collapsed right now, there’s no food in the store, could you make it? Right now it is winter, so it’s time to prepare for spring. If you want to prepare for a long time, get some good food staples for yourself. We need to look at calorie dense and nutrient dense food. Some good calorie foods are potatoes, beans, squash, sweet potatoes, and more. Of course you will still need to stock your body up on nutrients so we need to look at these as well. For example, cabbage, tomatoes, radishes, onions, and more. There are so many options you can choose from.  

   You will need to make sure that you get everything you need in your diet to survive long term. Also, plant some spices to change things up so you don’t get sick of the same thing. Think about growing some basil, pepper, chives, and some more delicious spices. Try to make use of the space you have and think about what can grow where. Potatoes are pretty easy, bury them in the ground and don’t take all of them when you harvest. But you have to think about some of them. 

  Some beans grow well going up a pole, corn has a nice stalk going up, so now you have two foods growing in one spot. Congratulations! Think about what grows best where. Do tomatoes grow better in the sun or the shade? Give it about 6 hours in the sun. How much should you water to grow some good cabbage? Pretty regularly. Research is key for a good garden to work properly. Could you do it?

A Soldier Begins Harley McCullough Epic Hair Cut | Go Army

This emotional inspirational story will move even the hardest of hearts. Meet Harley McCullough. Harley has not cut his hair for 4 years. There is a reason behind this but the reason may make you cry. Enjoy this video and if you are thinking about joining the Army and this video helps you make that decision please mention Harley McCullough’s name when speaking to a recruiter for the Army.

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